Me....My deadline...My new Hobby

Selasa, 19 April 2011

I'm not i a good moood lately...IDK why!!!!

My Deadline:
i'm about to finished all the deadline time..Mei. Hope i can make it 20 or more, so i can buy some stuff that i want so badly!!!Aminnnnn

My New Hobby:
The Gas Room...-->novel
Novel ini keren....

baru halaman ke 200sekian....masih ada setengahnya lagi...
ntar kalo udah kelar dibaca, bakal di kasih reviewnya!!

Now, i have to do some errand!!!
Have to finished my deadline book, so i can go shopping after receiving the 3355 notification to my phone..-->LOL


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About Me

Foto Saya
Bandung, Indonesia, Indonesia
a monogamous straight girl,that f-ing truly believe at her f-ing dream.....
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