The Best of Times

Selasa, 19 April 2011

same cover as mine


First love and Last love...25
This two part can be apart of this movie. This movie saying us, that 1st love never die(huh??), and last love, can happened in everywhere.... 16
another Thai movie, that giving me a calm feeling, an wanting more to feel love. f-ing love...
Thai movie giving me lesson...even this country is not as big as mine, they still can get rich(the movie maker i mean)...their people is so f-ing love their movie. maybe thai's movie maker think that my country have made such a big crap of horor genre at the movie industry. so they decide to make another genre, so they're not having a big shame of that crap horor maker. -->LOL

well, i love the cast, Fai. she is so beauty. and the dog, the me an idea to make one to a dog.-->LOL!

ps: kalo film thai-nya di review udah ada 5, kayaknya kudu buat folder sendiri neh



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Foto Saya
Bandung, Indonesia, Indonesia
a monogamous straight girl,that f-ing truly believe at her f-ing dream.....
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