Reaksi pertama dalam hati yang langsung direspon jari-jari ini di layar Hape, membalas sms sang sahabat.
i called her "Eneng" (short story: she like to call herself neng(nick name from Sunda/West Java for a girl ), but with "e" at front means different. Eneng. When i called her like that, my friends always remains me that i shouldn't call her like that, coz in Sunda/West Java in means "anak kerbau"(baby buffalo ).I know that, but I do it on purpose . lol
Back to topic:
When i read her messages it's remains me in few years before. Ruqiyah.
Ruqyah dalam Islam diperbolehkan, berdasarkan dalil-dalil syar’i di antaranya:
Nabi saw. Bersabda: Artinya: ” Tidak apa-apa ruqyah itu selama tidak mengandung syirik” (HR Muslim).
Ruqiyah is one way to cure our bodies of illness or evil spirits from the disorder. When we in the treat we'll hear the readings from an expert on the Quran /kiay or something and recited verses will try to release the genie had in our body.
Here are excatly the messages:
Eneng : deboraaaahhhh (i dunno why she called me deborah)
me : Nape neng?
Eneng :neng lg d rukiyah wkekkek (the evil spirit still in her body, the laugh still sounded like a bitch...)
Me : BUSYET..da pada keluar setan2 lu?
Eneng : justru itu bingu neng, ga ad reaksi ap2 dong diem aj sampe slsey ngaji wkwkwk..(still there....)
Me: Wah setannya lagi hibernasi
Eneng : kayanya setannya dah ngacir luan sblm d rukiyah makanya g ad reaksi wekekek...(Dear Alloh, just burn the evil spirit in her body )
n blah..blah..bla....(when i post thiz blog, we still continue the Ruqiyah topic)..
I am reminded of my experience, when I attended Ruqiyah. I really do not feel the heat, or fear. many people are crying, screaming, screaming like in pain, and it makes the Rukqiyah's people to come and recite the verses of the Qur'an. And a time when almost all women in the room was crying, I wonder, why is there no reaction on me. And that's when I decided to cry, and with alacrity, some long covered woman came over and told me to read Al-Fatihah. At that moment I felt ashamed.
Damn. This is because i feel nothing. There is no devil inside me, cause i am the devil.
But, this is an awesome experienced, you should try it.
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