Ide awal cerita filmini menarik....suer!!!!
but, after 20 min, saya ditemukan terkapar di atas kasur...
Not too good film ini...Mungkin karna idenya terlalu menarik, tapi penyuguhannya yang kurang...
(NO offense pliz...)
Hantunya pada lucu karakternya, tapi kurang kuat buat kisah lucunya....tokoh utamanya, mukanya gak kontrol banget,
Korea. this country proved making so much Indonesian people, especially the gals, screaming to the cute n handsome boys, but in this movie, u will not find of more time n bottom line, U WILL NOT FIND A CUTE BOY HERE.
rata-rata, film komedi Korea, saya enggak nemu si cowok cute ini. muka tokohnya selalu gokil, dan rela diapa-apain.
Barusan, saya baca review beberapa blog. katanya sih bagus...hmmmm..what's wrong w/ me?
sepertinya, jadwal saya harus ditentuin buat nonton endingnya....
Hello Ghost
Selasa, 19 April 2011
Posted by
Selasa, April 19, 2011
Labels: Movie Freak
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- _debocan_
- Bandung, Indonesia, Indonesia
- a monogamous straight girl,that f-ing truly believe at her f-ing dream.....
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