Being old, doesn't mean, can't play in some action movie. This is prove by Bruce Willis, in his very own latest movie, RED. Retiread Extremely Dangerous.
Being CIA agent, is that so dangerous? Woow...Sometimes, i wanna be one of them. It's look so cool, awesome an sexy. Their moves, the way that they handle the gun, pointing it at the enemy, and jump for one building to another chasing the bad ass.
Frank Moses, a retired CIA agent, being chase by a bad people from the goverment, the Vice President, who have a bad history at Guatemala. Sarah Ross, a woman, that Moses like in a few time, also being chase.
There is one scene that i feel so action in this movie, it's when Moses came out from a cops car, that he use, and start shooting Cooper(the CIA agent). So awesome.
Moses start asking for a help from his retired friends. Starting from Joe Mateson, Marvin Boggs, Victoria, for solving this problem. They all old, but their act, their spirit never die.
I think this comedy action movie so match for our parents, remains them to young Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, Hellen Mirren, etc.

this is one of my fav scene....so rock..Victoria and Marvin Boggs keeps shooting the Vice President, while Moses trying another plan.
I hope, one day i can serve our country one of a good action story of mine. My Dear Alloh, please show me a way to reach my dreams. Lop Yu Alloh..
Debbie Miranda Napitupulu
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