Thiz muvi giving me some advice. a simple advice. Keep on trying to do whatever you want to reach your dreams.
A rat who can smells good at food, and want to cook for what he is eating, is an awesome rat. Fate as a rat, make him not become the ussual rat, stealing and dirty. He got a different perception from his family and his friend. He is truly believe that rat not must stealing for feeding theirselves and their family. until he got lost in the middle of town/paris, at the famous restaurant, a place where the chef is his idol, he can guide Linguini make some yummy food.

Rat is some nasty animal. Pliz, no offense rat, but you guys so annoying. I even can not gives any advantages from ur presence. I mean, in my life. BUt at the food chain, u are so needed to feed some animal, such as snake.
I dunno how to describe this movie, except, must watch.
this is so hilarious, so awesome, funny, and so entertaining. The France music, make me feel so France, so romantic.
Hope someday, i can lay my self at lounge from a roof of France hotel. Feel the air, feel how the cheese smell, looking at the hot guys passing through in front of me, directing a romance movi, shoping some branded outfit, meet some hot models, and have a banglo there. amin....Plis hear me Dear Alloh..
PS: how is the taste of ratatouille? somebody, plis bring me some...
Debbie Miranda Napitupulu
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