Me...being a noctural creature.
that's the theme of my life for this few month. just like bat. hunting the prey at night, so i can sleep well in the morning. sometimes it keep amusing me, got dizzy and pass the good show at tv, but sometimes i have a good time alone at night, while all the silent arround me, and dreaming waiting in the morning.
no need caffeine to be a noctural creature like me. just hunt another things good. kinda realease when u feel alone, but it kinda suck at day if u alone.
i dunno what pic that i should put in this post, i dont like bat(represent the noctutal one), i dont like b*tch(lol), i dont even like 'mata panda'.
and now, it's been 06.49. u know what excatly time it is for me?
it sleep time..
morning folks..
Debbie Miranda Napitupulu
noctural creature
Kamis, 24 Februari 2011
Posted by
Kamis, Februari 24, 2011
Labels: Debocan for Debocan
one more. another faboulous story of thiz holywood things. this is so f**king great. i mean, how come this is even be a good one? can't hardly think how this people grow up with their ability to make a good things to do. they became what they want. how cool is that. a killer, a defender of the murderer, by killing them. this country so need Dexter. being so nauseated with all the bad people in this country. i'll let dexter handle it. maybe he can change this mess country be a peace one. BTW, that's just hope, how come that happened in here, while some people keep making their rule. feel so uncomfortable.
first impression about this serial was so mean...mocking the cast and the story, but eventually i bought the 4 next* now, at night, dexter became a good friend. indeed... he knows how to make my heart jump and he know how to replaced it. lol*
Dexter-ing became habit at cool....
Debbie Miranda Napitupulu
Posted by
Kamis, Februari 24, 2011
Labels: Serial freak
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- _debocan_
- Bandung, Indonesia, Indonesia
- a monogamous straight girl,that f-ing truly believe at her f-ing dream.....