It's been few days since i saw some silly student standing besides the trafic light at Dago, holding some boxes that writen down for some silly charity for SBY. Obviously its says "Koin Untuk SBY". This is so fudging (i should sensor it with this word, its worted) annoying.
This is why, we as a people who can read, can make a conclusion, can make a good conclusion excatly, from all side. This is why, there always some warning to read and make an atention from the begining. I mean, stop punishing yourself from the stupidity. Stop arguing with your heart. Are you guys really even watch it from the begining???
Big question mark huh...Yes it is. Why always spending your quality time for complaining and comlaining. is it even worted, if you guys stays at ur lodge and doing some errands that keep ur mind think positive?
That's why we always concern anything from the bottom, from the base, from the begining. Is not easy to become a leaders. I bet u guys know it. Even you want to sell ur gut just to make sure that ur people behind u support u.
Mr President, if this country always complaining, let make a new one, u deserve better.
This is makes me adore our perfect leader, Muhammad Saw. The one that bring us to a bright world, a bright minds, and peacefull at our heart.
Let's fight Mr President
Senin, 31 Januari 2011
Posted by
Senin, Januari 31, 2011
Labels: Pojok Pendapat
Wish Me Luck
Here i am....
the first post in 2011. Am not completely new if not posting something in this sexy blog. hahaha..
First of all, i wanna say Happy Beloved New Year, May this year, all the postponed plan can be completely done. And all the bad habit, all the bad things, just leave it with the past. And take a good side to moving forward.
suddenly, i feel so new of myself. Dunno what and dunno why, but it kinda refresh me. Altough many problems happened, i can make it prefectly not getting worst like always. instead, i kinda feel that i am, my new...soooo mature. (Hope so).
And here i am, in the end of this beautiful January, i wanna wish something good, something can drive me into something big, something that i want from all this suffer, this sacrifice, this struggle. may i got what i wish. Hope Dear Alloh SWT, pointing me some sign to make my life better and getting better.
And also, my dearest parents,....hope both of you always in a good condition, stay health, and always praying me for the best.
My lovely Dee, hope u can get what the best for u. Hope P*rt*m*n* provide a room for u here(Bandung ofcourse).
The twin, hope the best for ya, hah...
My dear Mbebeb a.k.a My Hallet, hope u can reach the best for u too, hope the target done, and u;ll be one of the best AO in ur bank.
And the last, me..Hope i can make all my wish come true. Just like a cinderella that found her beautiful shoes.
My dear Debocan, i promise u, that i will always keep in touch to u...
Debbie Miranda Napitupulu
Posted by
Senin, Januari 31, 2011
Labels: Debocan for Debocan
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About Me

- _debocan_
- Bandung, Indonesia, Indonesia
- a monogamous straight girl,that f-ing truly believe at her f-ing dream.....